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Tiffanie Caracassis

TIFFANIE CARR (Née CARACASSIS) – RYT200, Fitness Group Class instructor, Personal Trainer

Tiffanie is an energetic and passionate yoga and group class instructor from Montreal, that has over 2,000 hours of teaching experience.  

Over the years she has taught everything ranging from yoga, kickboxing, boot-camp, and aqua-fitness classes. She feels blessed to be able to help people feel stronger and healthier through exercise.

Her mission is to help people feel reconnected to their inner power through a Zen mind-body-soul approach.

What should people expect from her energetic and fun classes? Lots of good alignment and proper technique. She also focuses on the breath and each class is slightly different to keep things exciting.

Born a public speaker, Tiffanie also loves teaching workshops that empower women. Creator of Yoga on Wheels, Tiffanie travels around Toronto, giving talks to women about the importance of being present as she guides them through a series of yoga sequences and meditation exercises.

Her certifications include: 200H YTT (2017-18), 40H Kids YTT (2018), REIKI, level 1-2-Master (2018), McGill Athletics Personal Training (2007), ANIE Power Yoga Training (2007), ANIE Pilates Training (2007), and FCPAQ Coach Export Personal Training I and II (2005).


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