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Elena de Nagera

Master Trainer for the Breathless/Strong launch

Elena de Najera (Master Trainer, Latin America)
Hi there, I’m Elena! I am proud to be a Master Trainer for STRONG By Zumba® and have been teaching fitness since 2013. I am plant powered and passionate about fitness and helping others become healthier, happier and stronger. I fell in love with taking care of myself, so I started teaching different fitness programs and learning about the power of group exercise. It’s been a beautiful journey, and I am forever encouraged to see new students reaching new goals, getting fitter, and stronger.
I’m very enthusiastic about working out, finding healthy recipes, tips and tricks that can benefit our health and well-being and training in different types of exercise like calisthenics, high-intensity training, body weight training, and STRONG by Zumba® and STRONG 30™.

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