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Lakieya LeRoy

Hola hola! My name is Lakieya LeRoy. I am from Minnesota. I have been teaching Adults and children dance for  8 years now. I absolutely LOVE music and dancing. I like to take every stress or life duties and shake them all away threw dance. Provide an opportunity for my participants to smile and let loose. To develop new friendships. Boost up their self-esteem and love their self. Doesn’t matter their age or size all that’s required is a smile! My style is 1/3 African music, 1/3 Latin music, 1/3 pop/hip-hop music.

I am licensed in Zumba, Zumba pro, Zumba kids, Aqua Zumba, POUND, Generation POUND+

I was recently on a family vacation and got to teach Zumba at a resort in Jamaica and LOVED it. I met Rachel Beck  who referred me to your program.

I would love to be apart of your team!

Thanks you

mucho Zumba Love 


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