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Falen completed her 200-Hour RYT yoga training in 2015 while living in Washington, DC. She found yoga after years of long-distance running and a passion for fitness. What started out as a counterbalance to running became so much more. She still competes in races but focuses most of her time on yoga. Her love for the practice is unparalleled. Falen grew up in New York; she moved to Columbus in 2017 and plans to stay, building her yoga career. Previously, Falen worked in the beauty and skincare industry traveling the world for small companies and later big retail corporations. After a year in Columbus, she decided to make yoga her full-time job. Falen is truly passionate about yogic philosophy, her students and everything the practice has to offer. She explores and provides her students with every benefit of yoga, be it fitness and strength or healing of the mind and body (i.e. stress, anxiety, body aches/pain). She brings great energy to her classes while fostering a safe environment. Falen spends time creating fun flows and sequences. To take her yoga knowledge to the next level, Falen is currently in her 300-Hour training at Yoga on High; she will receive her 500-Hour RYT certification by Fall 2019. She loves to travel, spend time with friends and family, and get to know her students well. She caters her classes to all student requests and needs. Do not miss an opportunity to flow with Falen. Guaranteed, it is an experience you will not forget. Walk away feeling empowered, strong and fierce both physically and mentally.

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