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Crescenda Bramlett

I am Crescenda AKA LadyWake. My passion for fitness brought me to Pound about two years ago. I fell in love with the Pound format and have been laser focused on perfecting the craft. I currently teach twice a week at a women's fitness studio, once a month at BodyTech crossfit gym and seasonally in elementary and middle schools introducing children to the power of Pound. My classes are always high energy with good vibes and great music. I have immense agility as an instructor as I teach people from age 8 to 70.

My philosophy is: "It doesn't matter what the world has brought to you today, good, bad or indifferent. You can bring it into a Pound class, throw it on the floor in front of you and we all Pound it out together." 

I love being a fitness rebel and helping people experience real emotions in a constructive way. As a Pound instructor I am able to share this mental/emotional freedom with my students.

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