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Tara Niewiadomski

In 2016, Tara Niewiadomski completed her 200hr Yoga
Training, with Marianne Wells Yoga School in the jungle of Costa Rica. Tara went on to practice
and teach in Toronto, deepening her knowledge and
honing her skills. From there, Tara found a deep passion
and interest in the anatomy of the body and it's ranges of strength and mobility. She began to practice and teach with Michael Decorte, Founder and Creator of Jock Yoga After receiving her second certificate in Yoga Training with Decorte, her practice changed focusing on a new component of strength building and endurance. Living in downtown Toronto for her entire life, Tara
learned that in order to sustain excellent health of the body and mind with happiness and success, you must find your
source of regular exercise. Outside of Yoga, Tara's day to day life works her body hard, and with the balance of yoga, the mind and body are able to thrive and create happy mediums to continue. Tara is a happy vegan, animal welfare activist and passionate artist outside of yoga, however, she will credit her practice for the success and clear mind that fuels all those other things.
She focuses on powerful, strength building classes with a mindful component that stresses the connection between breath and movement; skills that can be transfered and ingratiated into life's daily activities. She strives to protect the spine in all hours of the day and to guide her clients into a healthy, challenging and safe practice.

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