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Lisa Gaumond

Yoga has shown Lisa how to spread her arms wide and unapologetically inhabit space. It has given her permission to breathe loudly, practice boldly, and challenge that voice in her head shouting out the can’ts and the shoulds. Yoga has taught her to live in and love her body. These things, and more, are what she hopes to share with you during every yoga class.

A yoga practitioner since college, Lisa’s teaching career was as much of a surprise to her as it was to everyone else. After years in a high-stress office job, she left her full-time job in 2016 to pursue yoga teacher training through The Yoga Shop. She enrolled in YTT in an effort to learn more about the practice and reset her weary mind. She never intended to become a teacher, but soon found that she loved teaching and never looked back.

When not at Vasu, you can find Lisa leading chair yoga classes at various senior centers in Connecticut, and on the water all summer teaching stand-up paddleboard yoga for her mobile business, Local SUP.

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