Mix your passion with paradise ™

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My passion has always been people,fitness and music.  For 15 years I was in the corporate world of sales (medical devices sales.)  In those 15 years I became a master of understanding people.  I also discovered that hospitals is not where I wanted to spend the rest of my working career, so 5 years ago I quit the corporate hustle and went head first into the fitness field. I started teaching a treadmill based class and quickly fell in love.  I then became certified in personal training and want to extend that training into yoga very soon.   Personal training and group training comes super easy to me because I understand people and I am very quickly able to read a room; I can quickly understand what a client wants and I can push them past their limits, but not too far.   Finding that balance is key.  I am also a mother of 3, so I understand the body after baby.   

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