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Jordyn Goldberg


My name is Jordyn Goldberg, and I am a second grade teacher at a charter school in Rhode Island. Growing up, dancing was my passion. I took classes, taught classes, danced at events such as bar mitzvahs and weddings. As my college and professional career began, I knew I had to find a way to keep me passion for dance alive. Throughout college at The University of Rhode, I taught several Zumba classes a week, as well as choreographed school wide functions. After graduating and discovering my second passion, teaching, I became involved with Zumba for my staff. Before this however, I worked in a couple of different gyms, ultimately leading to teaching for a network I love. I bring high energy and a lot of fun to my classes. My two biggest mottos are you don't need to be a dancer to get a good workout, as well as my class is considered cardio in disguise. 

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