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Olesea Gudym

My name is Olesea and I love helping people in their health and wellness journey. I work as a nurse at Fairfax Family Practice in VA for over 4 years. I was born in Chisinau, Moldova where I got my bachelor’s degree in Ecology from State University of Moldova. I moved to the States in 2010. In 2015 I traveled to India to explore yoga practice. I have spent several months in Rishikesh, India learning and meditating. I received yoga certification at Vinyasa Yoga Foundation in Rishikesh. I completed 200 hours in Asana, Anatomy and physiology, sequencing of yoga postures, pranayama, theory and philosophy, adjustments and corrections, therapy and meditation. I work for several large fitness companies such as Xsport and Golds gym as yoga instructor. 

We can do just about everything today virtually without ever talking to a person. With group fitness, you have to get involved.That's why it's called group dynamics, and that's why technology will never replace the good 'old fashioned group workout. Get out of your cubicle, your car or your house and go meet other people that have a common interest just like you. You never know, you might just meet some real friends instead of the ones you find online.

Yoga is my Passion. My practice has helped me grow stronger, more flexible and fearless, both on and off the mat. I encourage students to listen to their bodies, and always to try new things.



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