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Heidi Mellon

Sports have always played a large role in my life. From joining the swim team at age seven, to competing in international judo competitions, to running the 300-meter hurdles, I feel like I have experienced little bit of everything. It was not until I randomly chose to take a yoga class in college that I realized yoga offers something traditional sports do not. During my first few classes, I began to notice the importance of mindfulness and connecting movement with breath. I took time to notice my body and appreciate all it could/can do. Up until this point in my life, I never took time to slow down and listen to my body before pushing it to the max during an athletic event. This moment in my freshman year of college marked the beginning of my yoga journey. I began to attend yoga classes regularly and have tried various styles through the years. During my senior year of college, I led mini yoga classes with members of my swim team. I also taught yoga to groups of families and friends. Ten years after that first class, I began teaching yoga as a certified yoga instructor. I have taught vinyasa and yin style classes at many local studios. I am also the head yoga instructor at an all girls private high school near my home town. I am a member of Yoga Alliance (RYT 200). 

When I am not on my yoga mat, I am still teaching. During the day, I work as a special education teacher for elementary and middle school students. 

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