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Corilyn Rosen

Bio for RoZEN yoga


I have been participating in physical fitness my whole life. It’s been a great outlet for me to reduce stress and stay physically fit. I am a marathoner, cancer survivor, and licensed dietitian by profession. But something was missing ... my yoga Practice Had been inconsistent at best And i wanted to find a way to improve my practice and make it a Priority.  I. completed my 200 hour YTT from LifePower yoga in December 2019. Through My journey in YTT, I learned yoga  is so much more than exercise, it’s a journey of self discovery, self acceptance and provides practical tools to help clear the mind to see things as they are and bring us back to our true core of peace and love. Over the past year, through my teaching opportunities in local studios and gyms , I am to taking this experience into my classes by helping others to enjoy the beauty of yoga and self exploration through breath, movement and meditation. Engaging in the practice of yoga provides a space to let go, seek connection to self and acceptance. This awareness allows the body to respond by stimulating connective tissue as well as training the mind to be more resilient to handle everyday challenges.  My gift of encouragement and dedication to helping others to be physically, emotionally and spiritually fit will inspire you to be the best version of yourself ! Namaste

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