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Cara Ferrick



To Cara Ferrick, entrepreneur, mother of two and co-owner of Core Power Yoga Santa Barbara, being a yogi means much more than simply the poses themselves. To this self-made entrepreneur, yoga is more about taking a deep dive into our inner selves and listening acutely to our inner voice. Having gone through many trials and tribulations to get her to where she is today, Cara embodies wisdom in every sense of the word.

She took her first Bikram Yoga class at the age of 18 while studying International Business and Spanish at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado. Following her time working for Ralph Lauren in New York City, losing her mom to cancer, living abroad and seeing the world by boat, she did much internal work along the way. Since 2005, Cara has been a CorePower Yoga teacher and part of the business as a whole. Her classes are infused with strength, openheartedness and a palpable joy of teaching itself. Cara's yoga practice has always supported her no matter where she is, allowing joy, humility, and connection to be with her.  

Cara’s zest for life, drive and grit has led her to open five franchise studios in California, co-own Core Power Yoga Central Coast, meet her husband on a blind date, have two children and live by the sea in Santa Barbara, California. Overall Cara wants to extend that same appreciation for the present moment to her students and the translates acutely in the classes she teaches.

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