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My first time doing yoga was in 2011. Along with a small group of friends, I was introduced to the practices of Hatha Yoga in Kyiv, Ukraine. Back then, I was still attending university and had little time dedicated to my overall health and wellness. However, yoga became something that I fell in love with and would end up dedicating myself to. I made the time and commitment for regular practices, and soon it became an integral part of my personal growth. In 2016, I made the leap from student to teacher.  

Yoga is not about earning achievements, learning acrobatics, or achieving stillness. Rather, I like to think of yoga as a path: the journey between your mind, your body, and beyond. When you take the first steps towards this path, you are giving yourself the freedom to explore your body and mind’s capabilities, forming a unique relationship between the two. 

The more you practice, the more you allow this relationship to blossom and grow. There is no right or wrong, only movements, and emotions.



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