Mix your passion with paradise ™

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Hello! My name is Chloe Wick and I am a yoga instructor. I am from San Diego, CA. I grew up playing sports and being very athletic. I began my yoga journey when I was 13 and fell in love with the philosophy and practice of yoga. I remember taking the class and having an epiphany after about anything being possible if you use your breath. After this, I began practicing yoga frequently. As I moved to Los Angeles, I found my home studio there and then started teacher training where I truly found my calling. At first, it seemed impossible for me to teach but I believe that's what pushed me forward. After months of training, I felt confident and passionate about teaching. I then began teaching and that's when I felt my whole life came together. I couldn't ask for a better job. I absolutely love helping, supporting, and inspiring my students- as this job couldn't be more rewarding. As I am on my teacher journey, I learn more and more every day not just from classes or intensives but from my students. I hope to share my passion abroad and find new students to connect with!

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