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Shelby Wauligman



I'm Shelby, I am excited to meet you soon! I am a Cincinnati, Ohio native and have spent the last few years living in Oregon working as an apparel designer for one of the world's largest athletic brands. I grew up as an active gymnastic and expanded my love for activity always engaging in sports. From jogging for mental and physical health to playing team sports and tennis. It wasn't until college that I discovered yoga as an incredible outlet to fill me up mentally and physically. As my body was recovering from years of competitive gymnastics yoga filled me beyond my wildest imaginations.

I got my teacher certification with CorePower Yoga as a hot vinyasa flow instructor, but I love teaching all levels of yoga with varying degrees of stretching to strengthening. With a full time job I haven't taught formally at a studio, but my love of teaching and sharing the practice has manifested in instructing friends and family and my community in informal ways.

I love yoga and I would love to take the next step in my teaching journey and expand my career and life in new ways beyond the traditional 9 to 5 working life. My creative energy and trained professional design experience make me unique in my abilities as a yoga instructor. I have a strong passion for learning and sharing through doing. I am able to create highly successful yoga sequences at all levels with playlists that guide every individual to through a practice that makes them feel strong and settled in their body. I am so excited to start this journey with fit bodies!



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