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Elaina Wieser

My yoga journey began in 2002 when I was pregnant with my second child. I was immediately hooked!

As my practice grew, it was a natural progression into teaching. I completed my 200 hour teacher training with Lara Ward at Lotus Gardens Yoga School in 2006. I have since been certified to teach a variety of classes including prenatal, trauma informed, restorative, children's yoga,  as well as yoga for children with special needs through Stretch What Matters, LLC.


My yoga journey, coupled with my background in Social Work has shaped a dynamic yet nurturing practice with a sense of humor mixed in. As an instructor, I see myself as a guide, encouraging students to find their own truth in their practice. I encourage practitioners to leave competition and judgement at the door, allowing them to feel safe in who they are and where they are, while remaining mindful and present.


My classes are a vinyasa style, tailored to meet the needs of each unique group of students. Always meeting them where they are in their yoga journey. Opportunities and suggestions for deepening poses as well as modifying them are given throughout the practice. 


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