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rossana molino

Rossana is an American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Group Fitness Instructor, NETA certified Cycle Instructor ACE Approved, and FITOUR  Primary Aqua Fitness Instructor ACE Approved. She has been participating in LA Fitness gym daily classes for more than six years enjoying all kind of group classes and personal workouts (Cycling, Yoga, Pilates, Swimming, Running, Body works &Abs). She found empowerment and joy for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Rossana is a Group Fitness Instructor at LA Fitness San Diego and at University of California San Diego (UCSD).

She is passionate to share her love for being and staying active through her Cycle, Mat Pilates and Aqua Fit classes.

When she is not with her kids and husband, cooking delicious healthy Italian meals, or teaching classes, Rossana is busy studying to earn other fitness certifications.

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