Mix your passion with paradise ™

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My name is Megan O’Neil and growing up in a town like Rochester, MN, science and health care are prevalent and actively observed in every aspect of one’s daily life.  These topics were no stranger through childhood, but when I entered my high school chemistry class as a junior in high school, my awareness soon turned into a marked interest for the hard sciences.

I’m a scientist by trade (educated at NDSU – GO BISON!), and after nearly a decade of working as a Forensic DNA Analyst, I now manage the National Agricultural Genotyping Center located on the NDSU campus in Fargo, ND.

At the age of 26, I moved to Arkansas to embark on a lone and professional adventure and I wanted to surround myself with healthy and motivating people while I was there and lead a healthier lifestyle than during my collegiate years. After scouting many gyms and fitness centers, I found one that I really wanted to belong to.  The Fitness Director (a fellow Minnesotan) at the Little Rock Athletic Club knew I was an avid indoor cyclist (after all, I was coming from North Dakota) and offered to help me gain my Primary Group Exercise Certification in hopes I would consider leading one of the club’s many cycle classes.

I soon began teaching cycle classes, followed by strength formats, step aerobics and many other formats as time went on.  I love interacting with people and helping them achieve healthier habits because I whole heartedly believe in preventative maintenance of our bodies; we don’t have the be perfect, but even a little bit of physical fitness in our life strengthens our bodies on a physiological level that is makes a remarkable difference when it comes to the big, healthy picture.  I also find it rewarding to motivate participants to push passed their (expected) limits and in doing so, I get the opportunity to witness their determination and satisfaction in reaching and surpassing each goal they happen to be striving for.  It’s a very moving experience and I’m honored each and every class to be a part of someone’s journey.

My inspiration comes from my family, namely my sister. She is one of the strongest people I know and her quiet strength helps me dig deeper, go farther, and aim higher. She teaches me more than she will ever know.

I would love to have you in one of my classes! Please join me for a fun and sweaty experience! And if nothing else, I promise mildly entertaining jokes and good music! 

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