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Raelene Blocker

I have always been a fitness enthusiasts.  As a mother of four young children, I want to instill in them the importance of fitness and nutrition.  About four years ago I got certified in Piyo and then I went on and got AFA certified.  I didn't teach right away, I just wanted to learn new knowledge.  This past year a teaching opportunity openned up for me to teach at Lone Tree Yoga and Fitness.  I love it!  I love interacting with the students in the class and I love sharing with them the things that I have learned over the past few years.  I look forward to teaching more and expanding my knowledge and cerifications.

I lived abroad in Spain for almost two years, so I am fluent in spanish.  I love new cultures and new people.  Traveling has always been a priority for me because it expands my mind, my opinion and my heart!



Raelene Blocker

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