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Monica Aguirre Pico


Certified Personal Trainer,Yoga teacher and Zumba instructor with 9+ months experience in teaching yoga and assisting senior yoga teachers seeking to consolidate a career in the health and well being field * 5 years practicing various forms of yoga in around the world with a special emphasis in Hatha/Ashtanga yoga  * Fully engaged and long history of being very physically active with over 25 years involved in multiple sport disciplines ranging from aerobics, spinning, kickboxing, body pump, body combat, half-marathons to professional dancing, mountain biking and scuba diving  * Robust business acumen with ten years experience in marketing, strategic sales and project management * Big believer in working in a diverse team, always open to learn from other backgrounds and cultures finding it very gratifying. Proficient in English, French and Spanish. 100% Vegan.


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