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Britta fell In love with fitness after her daughter was born, Shedding the pregnancy weight became her motivation. She started jogging with her daughter in the stroller, joined a gym and ultimately found Yoga & Boxing in 2016. Yoga & Boxing not only helped her shed the weight but it made her feel strong and empowered, those very feelings are what led Britta to become a fitness instructor. Britta wants to empower the community through fitness and movement. She believes that when you venture into your fitness journey you should feel supported, encouraged, challenged, safe all while having fun!

Britta holds a Group fitness certification through the Athletics and Fitness Association of America. She has many years of experience teaching Group fitness and Gymnastics. She also holds Balletone, PiYo, Buti Yoga and 200Hour Yoga certifications.

Some of the activities Britta enjoys on her spare time include spending time with family and pets, coaching gymnastics with the BARC program, and continuing to include movement into her daily regime through dance and fitness routines of her own. Join Britta for a fun and effective class today!


Instagram for fitness Inspiration: @Britti_Moves