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A former Registered Respiratory Therapist, Paula Kiley has been practicing Pilates for over 10 years and  opened Green Bay's first Pilates Studio. Teaching group classes to the public for over 9 years fosters her love to help others discover the most intelligent form of exercise so that they may achieve their optimum fitness goals. Her education in Injuries and Special Populations enables her to be attentive to those in need of modifications to assure optimal safety in the classroom. She loves to incorporate the Stability Balls and other small equipment into a workout because it requires the recruitment of the core stabilizers, giving you some of your best abdominal work!  In addition to small group classes, Paula works individually with people to help them reach their optimal levels of fitness.  She incorporates the use of Yamuna Body Rolling techniques.  Body rolling is an exceptional tool that allows people to lengthen out tight muscles using different sized small balls.  This form of self therapy effectively offers massage, exercise and chiropractic all in one! 

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