Hi - As director of the FIT Launch side of this Fit Pro Community, I'm happy to help you get around this site any way I can.
The travel, networking, and promotional opportunities available to you via your Fitness Pro Travel membership are many. The community based platform was built to enhance your ability to communicate and learn more about the Fit Bodies teaching vacation program opportunities. It's simple to research and Book A Trip.
There is also much more you can accomplish professionally via the premium FPT accounts. Referral rewards, business promotions, and networking to name a few.
Check with me anytime with questions or for assistance in using your account membership for these premium services.
Finding Me Elsewhere on the web:
Fit Pro Bo at Twitter ~ Fit Pro Bo at Facebook
In the fitness industry I am a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and work with athletes at the Snohomish high school as well as tactical athletes employed with the Everett Fire Department.