Mix your passion with paradise ™

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A little bit about myself:

Wearing the athlete hat - Im an IronMan Triathlete. Wearing the businessman hat - I own 3 succesful businesses:


www.VirtuRide.com (The first ever moving spin bike studio in the world) 



I breath, live and preach fitness. 

My background: Former Special Operations from Israel, today a Personal Trainer who owns a very succesful Personal Training business in Miami. An avid Triathlete and triathlon coach, doing all triathlon races: Sprint, Olympic half and full IronMan races. Looking for friends keeps themselfs in top shape, and also for fit partner to have fun and good times together. No Drama, just good times and fun in the sun!
I have an undergrad. degree in Int. Relations and an MBA in Int. Business, but it was only after I achieved my academic goals that I found out I simply was not able to sit in an office with a suit and a tie and that my real happiness is in accomplishing physical challenges and being a self employed who controls his salary and goes on vacation whenever he wants, for as long as he wants!

We're on this planet for 80-90 years tops. We tend to forget this simple fact as our daily routine takes over, but we need to remind ourselfs every day that we only have limited time to smell the flowers, feel the clear blue ocean on our skin, listen to music that makes us sing in the car and pretend we're on stage infront of a massive crowd, ride the bike by the beach and feel the wind in our face, run and feel the ultimate happiness when the endorphins kick-in, enjoy a good old bottle of wine, take a bite out of a fresh pear and feel it melts in your mouth, reach an ultimate satisfaction within 2 bodies when they merge, enjoy the light that comes from the sun, and just live life and love those who are around you.
This is what I'm talking about. Do you appreciate all of these more than your monthly mortgage payment, credit card statements and the shmock who just cut you off on the road?

Professional biography: 06/02 - Today: Personal Trainer in different spas / health clubs in NY & Miami (Crunch, NY Sports Club, The Chelsie Piers - NY. Miami Beach Fitness, Porto Vita, Aventura, private residency & Equinox South Beach, Miami) - A Graduate student at NOVA SouthEastern University (Davie, FL), completing my MBA degree in International Business Administration. - Graduated from Florida International University with a BA in International Relations ( May 05). 09/00 - 06/02: Personal Trainer in different spas / health clubs in NY & Miami, while completing my bachelor degree in International Relations. 5/98 - 8/00: - A part time student for International Relations and a part time Personal Trainer in Europe in different locations: Kiev - Ukraine (6 months), Berlin - Germany ( 6 months), Athens and Santorini - Greece ( 1 year). 3/94 - 4/98: - Military service. Upon completing the basic training, I became a personal Trainer under the Health & Fitness Department. - Graduated from the military service with the rank of A Lieutenant after a 4 year service. EDUCATION 1. Master in International Business Administration (MIBA) July 2007 Nova South-eastern University; Ft. Lauderdale, FL 2. Bachelor of Arts in International Relations May 2005 Florida International University; Miami, FL