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  1. Ashley Deka is a AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor and Accountability Coach based out of Atlanta, Georgia. She has a bachelor's degree in Sports Management and minor in Business. She enjoys teaching STRONG30 and bootcamps. Her passion is health and fitness and she works with clients online and in person. Ashley believes, "With the right tools and guidance you can do anything you put your mind to because creating a new lifestyle change can be challenging."  She struggled with an eating disorder for many years and has learned to change her life and wants to motivate inspire others. Her main goal is to teach you how to live a healthy lifestyle that fits your life with realistic expectations. Ashley was an Ambassador of Change workshop speaker for the 2018 MBUSAM Call Me Miss Ambassador Conference. She offers a 5 Week Think Challenge Program, 90 Day Think Health Online Challenge and TH30 Program.  Her blog offers recipes, workouts and fitness tips.