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Julia Petrasso


Julia was raised in Boston, Massachusetts, where she would go on to attend Law School. She is In-House Counsel for the Office of the Sheriff, in North Carolina.

Julia discovered yoga three years ago during a particularly challenging time in her life. She says it was the greatest gift she ever gave to herself and her family. Continuing on with her journey, Julia became a certified instructor in November of 2022.


  Julia’s teaches at various studios in her community to include Hot-Power Yoga, Yin-Yasa and Vinyasa yoga. She also became certified to teach Stand Up Paddle Yoga (one of her favorites) in August of 2023. 

She introduced yoga into the Pitt County Detention Center for women in recovery, enrolled in the WEAR program, and recruited five other instructors to provide classes to women in detention. The women are now able to take classes weekly.

 Julia loves to travel, serves on several local non-profit boards, and is mother to three kiddos and four fur babies.